Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tips for building higher intelligence in babies during pregnancy and early years of life

Tips for building higher intelligence in babies during pregnancy and early years of life

I will be sharing some salient tips on how mothers and would-be mothers can improve their child’s intelligence right from conception of pregnancy and few early years of the baby in this write-up. This will enable parent to save cost and be confident about their child’s ability in public because high intelligence, holding other factors constant, means much success and achievement in life.

Pregnancy and Nutrition: Research studies have long shown that womb babies with low-birth weight are at risk of poor intellectual development . poor pregnancy nutrition (poor feeding) had been identified to be the major factor responsible for poor baby weight at birth, that is, during pregnancy period a woman needs to be watchful of her foods, although this should be a no-brainer because virtually every woman knows that, even if weight is not lost after birth poor growth may result which may leads to failure to thrive by the baby. It is true that a woman need extra calories from nutrient-rich foods to help babies growth and brain development but, you generally need to consume only 100-300 calories than you did before you became pregnant to meet the needs of your baby’s intelligence.

Pregnancy and Exercise: Most recent findings reveal that mothers who engage in exercise during pregnancy regularly are helping to increase their child’s IQ, children whose mother exercise 30 minutes a day during pregnancy score higher points on standard IQ test than children whose mother were more sedentary according to experts, because exercising large muscle group increase the growth of neurons and adds to the blood supply of the brain. However, care must be taken not to engage in strenuous exercise so as not to restrict oxygen from your uterus and make sure to stick within a recommended heart rate level to ensure that your baby is getting the oxygen he/she needs for improved growth. It is pertinent to mention some exercise considered harmful which include ones that may involve the risk of abdominal trauma, falls or excessive joint stress as in contact sport and vigorous racquet sports.

Pregnancy and Intake of fish-oil drugs: Cod-liver oil and other related fish-oil preparations are potent source of DHA which is needed by the body for normal development of the brain and of visual function in baby’s development, in this regard women who take cod-liver oil during pregnancy and the first 3 months are likely to have more intelligent children because of the presence of fatty-acid in fish-oil which serve the function of optimal brain development. However, mothers during pregnancy should take caution on this point not to exceed two tea-spoon of cod-liver oil because this might put them at increased risk of having a child with certain birth defect ; two tea-spoon of cod-liver oil contains approximately 8000 to 10000 IU of vitamin A which is prescribed to be normal dose a day.

Breast feeding: The follow-up by british researchers on premature infants reports the intelligent result of 8 year-old who had fed with their own mother’s milk after birth, the children who had received their mother’s milk had significant higher IQ than children who did not received breast milk which made many parent realize that breast-milk conferred substantial advantages for cognitive development and that this could perhaps be explained by the presence of various factors in breast-milk necessary for the development of neural tissue such as long chain fatty-acids which are completely missing in infant formulas. More so, exercise before birth and breast feeding combined will raise typical child’s IQ to about 144, that is, 14 points above average (Nisbet)

I hope you benefit from this write-up, I wish you safe delivery and happy nurturing.

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