Must Know Tip About Your Pregnancy
Every woman needs to be aware of necessary information about their pregnancy in the absense of an experienced mothers. This article will, in greater detail, emphasize the important steps to be taken towards healthy and safe delivery.
Parental Care : It entails checking-in with your doctor regularly to ensure sound health for you and your baby both during and after pregnancy. The in-thing during parental care is for your doctor to inquire how you have been feeling, checking your current weight and blood pressure, these is usually carried-out when your pregnancy is between 6 to 8 weeks.
Urine test is highly important inorder to detet if there is presence of bacteria or low blood sugar which signals the posssibility of diabetes, high protein level in your urine as a result of this test (urine test) may put you at risk of preeclamsia( a complex disorder). Blood test i also essential to detect low iron level, infectious disease, blood cell count and blood group is also examined.
Ultra-sound : A woman might need to gain more weight during pregnancy if she does not weigh enough, while situations might varies, most women gain about 25 to 30 pounds during pregnancy , however, A woman who normally overweight during pregnancy might need to gain only 15-18 pounds to her initial weight before pregnancy.
Food Intake : How balanced is the food you take during pregnancy is one of the good things you will be doing to yourself and you womb baby, fish, egg, and meat are good to eat during this time but have to be in moderation, more importantly, these foods mentioned must be cooked very well to prevent accidental infection; Avoid eating more than 2 or 3 servings of fish per week. Swordfish, king mackerel and shark are among the categories of fish to be avoided because of high level of mercury present in them which could harm your innocent baby or babies. Intake of tuna may be acceptable, but it must be light tuna and 6 ounces each week of albacore tuna and tuna steaks might not be harmful.
Wash all fruits and vegetables before consumption( this should be no brainer) , keep cutting boards and dishes clean. Four or more serving of diary foods per day is recommended as this gives enough calcium to you and your baby. Avoid unpasteurized milk or eat unpasteurised milk products. Soft cheeses such as Brie,camembert,feta and mexican-stle cheeses such as qheso fresco may have bacteria that can cause infections.
Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose can be okay during pregnancy but must be in moderation,however, a woman diagnosed of having genetic disease called phenylketonuria should completely avoid aspartmane.
A pregnant woman should never underate the good that vitamins will play towards the health of her baby, folic-acid can help prevent problems with your baby's brain and spinal cord, it is recommended to take 1000 mg. of folic-acid each day during pregnancy and for greater result taking it before pregnancy is highly suggested too.
To be continue....please watchout for the continuation of this write-up (same topic) soonest. On the whole, your baby's intelligence is so crucial to be developed right from conception to his/her early years of life, this does not only saves you money during nurturing, but gives you the feelings of confidence when your child is left with the rest of the world to pursue his/her life dreams. Why not take the bold step to help achieve this him or her while still at tender age.
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